Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I can't believe we're already through January. Spring has almost sprung, the grass has almost ris, and I'll be driving all over the freakin' place in about a month... dangit! I will say that I have enjoyed my winter hibernation. I've fattened up and am ready to get out and frolic.

Today I wanted to note that I have decided to archive all my videos onto youtube.com. My channel is youtube.com/kayakvideo where currently you can view 42 of my videos from 2005-2007. Subscribe to my channel and you'll receive an automated email each time I add a new video. It's fun! Everyone should try it. Out of all the videos I added last week the most popular so far has been a surf kayaking clip from the fall of 2005 during hurricane Ophelia.

Followed closely by the Green River Narrows fund raising project...

You can also view some of my favorite youtube videos. Lately I've been quite entertained by some Robot Chicken and The Mighty Boosh (thanks to Yonton for the introduction)...

That's all. Good talk.

(my friend Clark was over last week and we had way too much fun with my macbook pro.)
Spencer Cooke, Effort.tv

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

January twenty-turd. Appropriate for today's topic.

This photograph says it all.

Now why would someone want to sensor healthy pooping positions and clean living? I don't know.

Thanks to Ray for capturing this photo in some magical bathroom out there.

Regarding kayaking... Yonton and I drove to Columbia SC last weekend to paddle at the Saluda. Very nice play spot at the right level. Popup hole it is called. Alan Young is one of the local kids there. He does a really cool move, the "Magic Trick."

I put a little video together about the Magic Trick.

Thanks to Andy Gates and his mom for housing us for a night so we could paddle the next day too!

Saturday, January 13, 2007


What I meant to say was that I wrote my company name in the snow without using my hands. Work of art.

Don't run with scissors.


Spencer Cooke, Effort.tv

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

January Turd, 2007

Ahh, a new year. Fresh, clean and ready to ruin. So without further hesitation I give you...

the top 10 things that make a whitewater kayaking video, courtesy of Ross and James from Diamond Brand Paddle Sports in Asheville NC. (Ross and James are self proclaimed kayak video experts and grade A wise guys.)

So, top 10 things that make kayak videos good or stupid or whatever...
1. Helicopters
2. Locals Dancing with Sticks
3. Scooter Shuttles
4. some sort of driving montage
5. Kid in a helmet way too big for them, preferably a local
6. Goats, Donkeys and Hippos
7. Broke Down Shuttle Vehicle Montage
8. Taxing portage sequence
9. Random Police officers and/or Local law enforcement
10. Some guy in a Pro-Tec going off a 50 upside down (carnage section)
James went as a broken kayak for Haloween...

Ross went as a guy on a whiskey wagon...

Don't run with scissors.

Spencer Cooke, Effort.tv
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