Wednesday, May 23, 2007

No more news on the turds. Joke is over. From now on, news whenever I want.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers day everyone. And what a way to celebrate mother's day than to fix a toilet. This piece in the back of our commode broke and I had to replace it. It is the part in the water tank that has that floaty thing on it with the water cutoff valve. You know what I'm talking about. Upon changing out the old part for the new one I made a wonderful discovery. Check out the name of this part...

Hey, it says it right there, plain as day. Toilet humor is my favorite.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

The extreme kayaking market can only bear so many great product ideas, and this just happens to be one of them. The BRO DOLL! Yes, now available exclusively from, get your very own pro model BRO DOLL. Tired of hanging out alone without your bros, not any more now that you can buy a BRO DOLL. Be the first on your block to purshase BRO DOLL and show all the non-bros how cool it is to hang out with a bro... a BRO DOLL that is. BRO DOLLS start shpping as of May turd and will arrive at your doorstep fully ready to speak broisms and wear their hat sideways with the best of the bros. Get yours now!

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