Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rapid Transit: a new product from Effort Inc

Dear Blog Nerds,

I am pleased to announce a brand new video product from Effort Inc. It's called Rapid Transit. You may check it out at

It is a kayak video site deriving from the collective efforts of various kayak video producers who I like to work with. You may watch lots of videos there, subscribe to the video podcast, read the blog and learn about the producers involved.

Mion Footwear and Riot Kayaks, two of the coolest and most progressive companies in the outdoor industry, are the sponsors of Rapid Transit, bringing all these videos to you for free.

Please enjoy and visit frequently.

May I also remind everyone about IR's Mustache King contest, beginning on April 1st? Please visit the official web site at


Spencer Cooke
Effort Inc

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